Thursday, February 27, 2014

They Will Rise Up!


As people awaken in Love, they will rise up and be inspired by truth. We are One.  

The few who have taken the resources from the majority and are living in opulence will find that their reigns are being questioned.
People will take to the streets and protest with both dignity and frustration.  They will want a voice in their destiny. They will demand to be heard. 

People will want more for their children and begin to protest unfair social, political and economic practices that result in discrimination. They will no longer accept living in poverty.  

They will want their children to have education, and homes filled with a loving peace, and bright futures.  The majority of people will want new leaders with compassionate hearts.  This time has come.  

We must all pray for a positive, peaceful, non-violent resolve as we move into an era where more people want to create, live and thrive in diverse, democratic societies!  

Breathe Deeply Ten Times. In Love with Hope.  Out Integrity with Purpose!

Let us pray and vow to move forward with positive, Loving societal transitions with truth and re-conciliation and the sharing of resources and power!  We Are One Only In Love!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Heaven On Earth


Come walk with me into

this magnificent valley
filled with greatness.

Smell the magnolias
and cherry blossoms.

Walk with me through
the daffodils and daisies.

Feel free to pick a rose
and know that it’s thorns
represent ages and ages
of Divine Wisdom.

Stop a moment.

Tenderly touch the dirt
of Our Earth
and know that it is Mother
to fruits, vegetables,
trees and flowers.

Living things.

As we move on in our discovery
select a rock or two along the way.

Cherish these rocks and know
that their firmness truly represents
the Will of the Divine.

Do you hear the lilt of the wind
and the birds chirping
in delight of our presence?

Look what a glorious waterfall.

Imagine yourself as a frog
jumping from a lily pad
and splashing into a clear pond.

Now gaze intently into the pool of life.
Permit our reflections to show merely Love.

For Love is the only weapon we need 
to conquer the fear in our hearts.

Will you allow me to take your hand?

May we always walk together
in Heaven on Earth---
feeling Divine Love?

Resolving Our Differences Through Love

Resolving Our Differences Through Love


We will have many differences.
Some differences we will
live with and tolerate.

Others we must learn to resolve
through a fairness doctrine.

Always though, we must learn to
have respect for each other
in a peaceful, non-violent way.

Gather together. Share your opinions.

Stand strong together in Love.

Breathe Deeply Four Times.
In Love. Out Love.

Today try to offer deep Love
for those with whom
you have differences.

Be Patient with others, and yourself.

Good Change Will Come Through Love.

Breathe!  In Love. Out Love.

Monday, February 24, 2014

We Are For World Change!

We Are For World Change! Change the World.
We are the children of hope and the mirrors of Love.
We Are For World Change! Change the World.
Let’s Change the World!

I don’t know how to help--or what I could dream.
The problems are big. Do you know what I mean?

Global Warming and wars, with no food to share.
Earth equals Heart. Can we please learn to care?

We Are For World Change! Change the World.
We are the children of hope and the mirrors of Love.
We Are For World Change! Change the World.
Let’s Change the World!

Violence is never right. We’ve got to help make it end
Let’s open our hearts and learn to be friends.

We are the children of hope, and mirrors of love.
We represent the NEW DAY
And with the new day, we bring a new way……

We are asking our parents, our teachers
our artists, musicians and friends
our leaders, our scholars, and our diplomats
----the list never ends.

We Are For World Change! Change the World.
Food, Healthcare, Education and Housing for ALL.
Peace, Understanding, Compassion and Love.

We Are For World Change! Change the World.
Let’s Change the World!

We are the children of hope and the mirrors of Love.
We represent the NEW DAY
And with the new day, We Bring A New Way……
Peace, Sharing, Understanding, Compassion, and Love.

Let’s Change the WORLD!
We Are the Children of Hope and the Mirrors of Love.

To All You STARS of Love--


Six Times Breathe Deeply.
In Love. Out Love.

Awaken and Re-member!

Each and Every One of Us
is a Masterpiece In Progress
 created by Love
and fine-tuned by Life
and the lessons we are given.

The hurts of ego, the pain,
the difficulties, the joy,
the Innocence re-discovered
and the Re-Membering of Love
is the Essence of our
Eternal, Soulful Existence!

Six Times Breathe Deeply.
In Love. Out Love.

Awaken and Re-member!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Clearing Sacred Space


The broken teapot of old hurts, the worn coat of disappointment, and the shoes of fear are all items that I no longer need. 

I am letting go-- sweeping, cleaning, clearing and Forgiving.

Deeply I Breathe Ten Times.  In Love.  Out Gratitude.  In Love Out Gratitude.

The Sacred Space of my Home and my Heart is a safe place of LOVE where the splendor of Hope and Faith reside with Comfort.

We are preparing for special guests-- Grace, Blessings and Mercy have promised to visit soon!

Again, Deeply I Breathe Ten Times.  In Love.  Out Gratitude with JOY.

Appreciate and Prosper!


People awakened to The Master Creator in their hearts.

Everywhere Dreamer Believers cleared the clutter of old envy, and swept away disappointment.

Fear lost focus and left when the many prayers were said by Hope.

Homes sparkled and had the fresh scent of Spring.

Faith, Gratitude, Compassion, Courage, Charity, Forgiveness, Mercy and Understanding went from house to house and became welcomed guests at every Table of Appreciation.

LOVE filled Every Home and the People began to Prosper with New Hope!

Friday, February 21, 2014

President Obama and His Holiness the Dalai Lama Meet Today!

Today President Obama receives Our Spiritual Elder, His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama at The White House.

May His Holiness be given every human consideration and honored as a Compassionate Peacemaker.

May President Obama and His Holiness continue to believe and reflect the light of love and justice to eachother and the world...

May the people of Tibet feel new hope... and may China embrace this meeting as progressive light....

And So It Is With Love!

Honoring Malcolm X---Stand For Good!


Malcolm X (El- Hajj Malik El Shabazz),
a great American human rights activist
and world citizen once said
"If you don't stand for something,
you will fall for anything."

Today we can honor Malcolm X
by remembering to stand for freedom,
equity, education, healing and
a loving, sustainable peace.

Please, Stand for Good! 
Malcolm X was assassinated
on February 21, 1965
while speaking at the Audubon Ballroom
in Harlem, New York.

His beautiful, brilliant, supportive wife,
Dr. Betty Shabazz and their daughters
were present!

Breathe Deeply 6 Times.
In Love. Out Purpose.

Please, Stand for Good!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

You Are A Miracle!


Breathe Deeply In and Out Ten Times.  Remember Why You Are Here! You are a Miracle; here to experience the beauty of Our Mother Earth; to sing with the birds, and learn from the trees as they share oxygen so you can breathe.

You are here like a caterpillar in order to grow and have the courage to transform into a beautiful butterfly that soars in gratitude.

You are here to offer your talent and gifts of compassion; just as the bee offers honey for healing.

You are here to befriend your world neighbors and to learn to live in Peace as you honor the oceans and rivers so that there is clean water to drink and nurture our Universal Sentient Family for Future Generations .

There are so very many good reasons why you are here!

You, Are A Miracle--- Here to Grow and Prosper With A Loving Heart!
Breathe Deeply and Give Thanks!  

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Live Your Words


The obsession of money, and firearms is an illusion of the lost mind teetering in Fear.

Money is no more than an exchange for goods and services and a resource to help educate, build beautiful, Loving communities and help those in need.

Firearms are deadly in the conversation of True Peace and a World Beyond War.

Humility, Consideration, Cooperation and Compassion are the eternal weapons offered by Spirit to nurture, heal and prosper together with Dignity and Respect.

When your Children ask you how to make the World better, tell them we must Use Our Gifts to develop a true willingness to Nurture Our Earth-Heart and Share our technology and resources with Humility, Consideration, Cooperation and Compassion.
Tell Children to Care For and Love One Another.  Do Harm to None.
Breathe Deeply Six Times.  In Love. Out Humility, Consideration, Cooperation and Compassion! 

Go Now--- And Live Your Words in Grace as Lovers and Peacemakers!

We will be more likely to Prosper Collectively when we decide that Compassion has meaning and is useful in Today's World!



I may not understand each circumstance, or reason why, but I stand with you. I will be there as your friend if you desire, in the both the calm and the storms of life.

We may travel different paths or dis-agree in the moment but somewhere in the Universal loop of Overstanding--- what has always been and will always be is my hope and appreciation for you and your unique journey.

What is Overstanding? Overstanding is the gift of Love without condition, just because!

It is being able to speak from your heart and say for all time, "I Stand With You!"

Monday, February 17, 2014

Behold Many Miracles


If you are brave enough
to plant a garden
within your heart;

then you must make
the commitment to nurture it
throughout all the seasons
of your life.

In the garden of your lives,
the sun will shine always
through your smiles
but there may be winters
of doubt and loneliness.

The many clouds and rainstorms
will be your tears
of disappointment, and dismay
mixed with the joy
of knowing Love.

As your children are born,
the air will bring you oxygen,
new purpose,
and whispers of understanding.

Spring buds and blossoming trees
will be filled your humility,
as you celebrate Being Born Again...

There will be joyful summers
of compassion as your willingness
to forgive allows for deep healing.

Time and time again
you will harvest the fruit of Love
and acquire a propensity of Faith
that nurtures you and many others.

And throughout Eternity
with Divine Grace, you will continue
to plant new seeds of Hope.

These are the Miracles to behold
in a life of Love!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Friends are the Fruit of Our Hearts and Family We Choose!


Our Friends are the delicious fruit of our hearts.   Some fruit we experience often.  Others are a rare delicacy that we seldom have  the opportunity to savor.  Some fruit like oranges, grapefruit, kiwi or mangoes,  we must peel.  Others Friends are the apples, blueberries, and strawberries of  our hearts.  Sometimes our Friends may even be bananas!

Through Friendship we  learn that just as no fruit tastes the same;  no human has the ability or  capacity to offer us exactly what we give them.  Friends  may agree or  disagree.  Sometimes Friends may hurt eachother and need to ask for  forgiveness.  Friends may live close or far away.  They may speak often or not  at all.  Other Friends will forever be a mystery.
Most importantly, Friends are the Family We Choose.  When nurtured with space and care, our Friendships  will always remain the delicious, cherished fruit of our hearts.

I Breathe Ten  Times.  I Inhale Deeply.  I Exhale Joyfully. 

Today I Am Grateful for Every  Friendship that has blossomed, shared and taught me to honor and value the Grace  and Mystery of Unconditional Love through the Many Seasons of Our  Lives.

Forever One


I Breathe and Exhale.  I Breathe Deeply Six Times and imagine that We Are One in Our Creator's Heart. 

I feel, and watch and listen to the Earth's Song.

A sun/son returns, a daughter dances, a mother sings, and a father cries. We Are One in Divine Love. 

As I imagine, slowly  I breathe and exhale.  I breathe and exhale. 

 The moon is blue. The clouds are purple. I am but a star joining all the other stars glistening and sparkling as we re-member our connection to the Uni-Verse. 

I breathe and exhale.  I feel and watch and listen.

Every Star is singing many songs; embraced and nurtured by Love.

We are Forever ONE in the Creator's Earth/Heart!  

Friday, February 14, 2014

Full Moon/Peaceful Path

Full Moon/Peaceful Path

Full Moon Today
so certainly it is good
to breathe deeply,
ask for guidance
and find humor in every situation.

Do you know why the monkeys stopped
playing cards at the zoo?

The truth is, there were just too many cheetahs!

Well there are cheaters/cheetahs everywhere
so today be flexible but don't get caught up
in a losing game.

Be polite, be bold, embrace and listen
to your inner voice.

Now is the perfect time to begin
to chart your own special, peaceful path
into a Divine Destiny of Joy!

Prayer of Love Affirmation


First Breath Deeply Six times.
In Love.  Out Love.

Please Join me in a Prayer of Love Affirmation...

I am a Lighted Being,
Created and Inspired by
Our Blessed Divine Creator
to Reflect Love,
Share Love and Be Love.

 All that I dream and hope for
comes through the Divine Flow
of Love.

My thoughts and feelings are Love.
 The Air I Breathe is Love.
 YOU Are Love.
 I Am Love.
 WE Are Love.

 Today, All the Good that I Do
Is Nurtured and Inspired By Love.

 And So It Is With Love!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Day for Love, Every Day!


If the one you thought was your enemy
asked for your forgiveness
will you say yes?

Forgiveness comes only through Love.
Each nanosecond contains the Love
needed to heal many wounds.

All beings can be healed through Love.

Today are you willing to say
"Yes, I forgive you."?

Love offers Respect, Seeks Understanding,
Shares Resources, Unites Hearts
and brings Peace to war torn nations!

Are you ready to Love always---
with Compassion and Forgiveness--
especially on this day and every day?

Then please--- Breathe Deeply Six Times.
In Compassion. Out Love.

Today Share Hope and Love,
Love, Love!

Always Love!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014



 The heart that learns stillness
breathes deeply, re-calbrates
and re-members divine will.

Breathe Deeply Four Times.
In Love.
Out Understanding With Courage.

 The deeper the breath,
the more rooted we become;
and with sure footing as our hearts open;
more oxygen travels into our brain.

This gift of the breath and oxygen
allows our minds and hearts
to connect in clear diamond consciousness.

It is through our breath that we are able
to re-calibrate and as we become more aware,
we move forward into our destiny with ease.

Breathe Deeply Four Times.
In Love. Out Understanding With Courage.

The heart that learns stillness
breathes deeply and re-calibrates often.
This is the gift of Divine Grace!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Love Is...


Love is the patience
that pours
like a waterfall
and offers us
understanding and clarity
so that we can see
throughout the vastness
of the universe---
the stars of hope that light the sky!

Breathe Deeply Four Times...
In Patience.  Out Clarity.
Feel Love.  Know Love.  Be Love!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Song of a Sinner


Love was all around me everyday--
in the smiles of the children,
in the melody of a song,
in the dance of the trees blowing in the wind,
in the light of the moon,
in the warmth of the sun,
and even the roar of the ocean.

Love was before me everywhere.

But my ego needed control and in control,
I destroyed it all.

Then empty and alone, my heart became
broken and scattered throughout the Universe.

And in the emptiness of eons beyond time,
I was filled with the benevolent
mercy of our Creator.

It was then, beyond the desire
of my selfish ego that even me,
the worst of sinners
was forgiven and born again in Grace.

Having learned that lesson,
now I am able to offer Only Love.

Today I Re-Member. 
Deeply I Breathe.

I Breathe In Gratitude. 
I Breathe Out Hope.
Ten Times I Breathe.

Today I Re-member.

I Offer Only Love.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

I Bend In Gratitude!


In stormy weather, a pilot will tell you
that in order to get to your good destination,
it is always necessary to fly
above or around the storm.

I Breathe Deeply and ask myself.
"What would it take for me to travel
around the every obstacle with a hopeful heart?".

The answer is clear.
 First I must have Gratitude for every lesson.

 Second I must have patience.
Third I must learn to be flexible and bend
like a Willow Tree in Love with the Earth.

I Breathe Deeply. 
In Patience, Out Flexibility with Love.

Ten times I Breathe.  
In Patience, Out Flexibility with Love.

Today I am Patient and Flexible.

 Like a Willow Tree in Love with the Earth,
I bend in Gratitude and Respect!

You Light the Earth/Heart

Beloved Radiant Ones---

Take a moment and Breathe Deeply Six Times.  Please Re-Member.  There is only One YOU that Lights the Earth/Heart and the Heavens with Your Unique Gift. Other share their gifts too and All in Our World benefit from the Uniqueness and Individuality of Every Sentient Being.

All Gifts of brilliance, creativity, compassion, faith, mercy and Love bring Hope and Joy to the World! What is Your Gift? How do you bring Hope and Joy to the World? 

Continue to Breathe Deeply and Re-Member. There is only One YOU that Lights the Earth/Heart and the Heavens with Your Unique Gift!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Living Through the Arguments


No matter the giant
temper tantrums
and universal arguments
of greed,
we are living in a time
of bursting light
filled with Loving Grace.

Hold your Holy Ground
and have Patience.

No matter what it looks like
or what it feels like,
Good will ultimately prevail!

Today walk with your head high
and know that your Courage
and Loving actions
do make a difference.

And as we live through the arguments,
we must hold the space
for Equity and Peace
to manifest in our own actions!

First Breathe Deeply Six Times.

Breathe In Patience.
Breathe Out  with Courage and Peace.

Now Commit Only to Loving Actions!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

On Deception


When you walk with an open heart,
there are those who will try
to deceive you.

They may even believe that
your kindness is a weakness.

They may lie and try to steal
your money and your heart.

This is a fact of life.

When you know this,
you become Wealthy
in Understanding and Wisdom.
You become stronger
in Love and Compassion.

No matter what others believe,
you see every deception.

But as an instrument of Good,
you pray for the best.

You Give with discernment;

And Your Gifts Forever
Multiply with Love!

This is the Reward
for the Believer
and Giver of Love!

Open the Door


In the still of the night; at dawn and throughout the day; into dusk and evening--always we are being asked to open the door for Love.

Love is ever-present in the whispers of the wind and even the harsh storms. Love calls to us with mercy and asks only that we acknowledge its fruitful presence in our lives.

So many are not listening.

Still the voice and song of Love travels throughout the ethers of time and offers hope to those who are willing.

Today is a day for simple miracles of hope and compassion. Awaken, open the door; and accept the fruit of Love!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Letting Go of the Day's Challenges


When we sit quietly,
letting go of the days challenges,
we learn to have compassion
and Love for ourselves.

In this way as we honor our frailties,
our courage and our strength
--- hope returns.

This is Divine Spirit in action.

We begin to heal with unconditional Love,
and discover that we have more
Love and compassion to share with others.

Today please take time to be quiet.

Divine Spirit will move through you
with unconditional love and compassion.

As you accept this nurturing;
so you can become more energized
to Love and nurture
all sentient beings
with hope, compassion
and gentle understanding.

First Breathe Deeply Four Times...
In Love. Out Love!

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Say YES!

Joy is often hidden in Yes.
It is part of the story of our lives
that too often we ignore.

We are too busy to listen,
to offer a hug or hold a hand
of a person in pain.

We often miss the miraculous moments
because we are pre-occupied
with work or self or fear.

Today please pay attention
to what is going on around you.

Smile and connect to others.
Call an old friend.
Visit a sick friend.
Say "I Love You" to someone
you cherish everyday.

Play a game and read a book
with your child everyday.

Draw a picture, sing a song,
blow some bubbles,
or make an angel in the snow.

Say Thank You at least ten times a day.

Say Yes to Being Alive,
living your dream and helping
someone else live their dream.

The Time Is Now.

Let's come together, work together,
forgive eachother, Love eachother,
support eachother, and live each day
with a willingness to Say Yes!

How Will You Live the Answer?


All that I write has been said before.

It has been written in our Sacred Texts
and lived by the gentle Masters
who have come to guide us.

It is We, as a Collective that
must learn to take heed.

In the World today we are focusing
our resources and attention
on sustainining the desires
and materialist greed of the corrupt.

Too many billions of us are living
in poverty without adequate shelter,
education or healthcare.

Too many of us are becoming drunk
with idea of materialist success
and we listen to those
who incite fear and divide us.

Only Love will heal and unite us.

We are many people,
many cultures, many religions.

We must learn to respect eachother,
and to support those in need.

Our willingness to Love one another
and to want for others
what we want for ourselves
is the most important mandate
of the World today.

Will we learn to Share
and live together in Peace
with Respect and Love?

This is the Question.

How Will You Live the Answer?