Saturday, November 30, 2013

Prayer of Re-membering

Today I pray for strength,
courage, and hope.

I Breathe Four Times.
In Love.  Out Hope.
I release my fear.
I speak the truth.

I honor my hopeful ancestors.
I nurture my children and my entire family.

I believe in economic empowerment.

I walk as a leader,
a diplomat & a visionary.

I look at my brothers & sisters,
some lost,
and open my arms to show the way.

Together we stand
in the reflection pool
of our ancestors,
and join them in hope
and celebration of the
ongoing journey to re-membering LOVE…

With Gratitude, I Breathe!
In Love. Out Hope.

Friday, November 29, 2013

My Abundant Heart


The Master Creator spoke.

"Thank you  for being you!  You are like a garden needing to be nurtured.  I will nurture you  so that the fruit of your heart blossoms.

Now with Gratitude nurture others too,  so that your children and children's children blossom in kindness and grow in  the safety and Wisdom of Love.

Share your dreams and the fruit of your labors.  Offer your best and you will discover abundance.

There is more than enough for  all, if you become more willing to share."

I Breath Deeply In and Out Four Times.
"Share and Meet Your Loving Destiny!"

Today with Gratitude, I Embrace the Wisdom and Grace of the Divine,  Living In My Abundant Heart.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

"Mitakuye Oyasin", We Are All Related. Happy Thanksgiving...


Today I pray to walk with compassion, humility, loving-kindness, and right words with right actions.

 I remember the Lakota, a Native American Tribe that says
"Mitakuye Oyasin".  We Are All Related.

I Breathe Deeply Four Times In and Out.

I open my Heart and Soul to honor and receive Divine Grace. 

I honor the Ancients, the Ancestors and All those who have Ascended Into the Rainbow Heart of Love. 

I continue to Breathe and feel the Spirit of Love awakening every cell within my body.  

With humility, I Give Thanks  for the Blessings and Miracles of Hope and Joy that are  manifesting on Earth and throughout the Uni-Verse as many Awaken to the Truth that lives through the Eternal Songs of Love. 
Again I Breathe Deeply Four Times.  I allow myself to remember and feel the Love Songs.
To Our Blessed Creator I pray and ask for the Courage and Faith to live within the vision of hope; to radiate Light and joyfully share the Truthful Songs of Love imprinted in my heart; dancing and living in my Soul! 

I Breathe Deeply, Give Thanks and Sing.

"Mitakuye Oyasin".  We Are All Related.

 We Will Always Be ONE In the Rainbow Heart of Love! 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I Give Thanks

Beloveds Radiant Ones--- 

I Breathe Deeply Four Times and clear my mind and my heart of all my preconceived notions of how life and this day should be. 

I Give Thanks to the Master Creator for allowing me to be on this Earth. 

I  Give Thanks for waking up today; for the  storms that have turned me and my life upside down; for the rainbows of hope and kindness shared by children, family, friends and the strangers who become friends.

I Give Thanks for the shining Sun of Love that teaches me to embrace our cultural differences with Joy and honor Elders with Loving Respect. 

 I Breathe Deeply in Gratitude for the mistakes I have made which turned out to offer important lessons of humility and taught me to have Courage to live my dreams. 

I Breathe and feel the Spirit of Hope come Alive in my body and my heart. 

I Give Thanks to All Creations of Love and Purpose and honor Love and Purpose within Myself.  

For all that is known and for the Eternal Mystery and Answers Hidden and Discovered Only through Love,  I  Give Thanks!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Dress For the Weather...


Breathe  Deeply 8 Times. Inhale Tenacity. 

Exhale  Patience. 

Give  Thanks for Beautiful Rainy Day
with  its clouds of Chance.
Prepare with Joy.  Dress for the Weather.
Wear  Shoes of Fortitude. 

Put  on a Coat of Gratitude.

Carry  an Umbrella of Understanding. 

Again  BREATHE Deeply. 

Align  Your Mind, Your Heart and Your Soul. 
Feel  the Grace of Aliveness, Compassion and Love. 

Step  tenderly and deliberately into the Beautiful Rainy Day. 

Remember  this---
Rainbows  of Hope will appear
with  your Every Act of Compassion and Kindness!  

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Magnificent Garden of Love

The Magnificent Garden of Love
Share with Your Children!! This Story needs an Illustrator!

My Beloveds….

Once upon a time there was a special garden filled with trees and flowers. During the spring and summer ALL creations blossomed and blossomed. During the fall they tired and began to rest. By winter they slept soundly and together awaited their awakening in the spring.

There is no way to de...scribe this garden other than to say that with each passing of ALL the seasons, this garden became more beautiful and more magnificent.

Together all the trees and flowers were ONE. All felt a collective joy in the Magnificent Garden Of LOVE. This was the desire of our DIVINE One and this was the way it was when time was infinite.

But then one spring something strange happened. An oak tree awoke too soon. He began to feel as if he were alone. He became very angry at the trees and flowers that still slept. And so as others awakened, he watched but he did not greet them. This oak tree began to think of himself as better, bigger and separate. By summer when ALL was in full bloom and the garden became magnificent he said in a very loud voice, "I am bigger and stronger than all of you. Look carefully at my leaves blowing in the wind for I am the true beauty of this garden."

And ALL were amazed and curious. Imagine, it was the first time they realized that they were not the same. For a moment it was quiet and then came the rustling of a rose bush. She said, " I am red and more beautiful!"

A sunflower replied, "Yes, but I am yellow with a brown center and my petals are pristine."

Then a pear tree spoke, "I am tall with green leaves and I bear sweet fruit!"

Not to be outdone, the cherry tree whistled in the wind, "How can you be sweeter than me? I have thousands of beautiful cherries that can be eaten!"

This conversation went on and on throughout the Magnificent Garden Of LOVE. And so separation began.

Our DIVINE One became unhappy and sent away the sun and the wind and the water and the moon and the stars. All the flowers and trees went into a deep sleep. They slept for years and years and while they slept, our DIVINE One spoke many times and explained that ALL Were The Same Magnificent Garden Of LOVE.

After a very long time, the sun and the wind and the water and the moon and the stars returned. Then one sunny spring day just as before, the oak tree awoke. He realized that he was first but this time in a joyful voice he called out to his brothers and sisters. And then one by one the trees and flowers awoke and felt collective joy. Once again, they All became A Magnificent Garden Of LOVE.

It is important for us to remember that we are no different than the flowers and trees. Before we are born, a special seed is placed within our bodies. This seed is so precious and so infinitely beautiful that it twinkles like a star. We call this seed a heart and through this heart we are able to express joy.

Sometimes this joy feels like the warmth of the sun together with a gentle wind that caresses our bodies. And when this sun and wind are nurtured with water, this seed grows and blossoms. Many different people are created. We call this nurturing LOVE. Over time we have felt this LOVE and learned that it was safe. So safe that like the flowers and trees, we have grown and grown, and blossomed and blossomed.

Our hearts are simply particles of our DIVINE Heart. Together with other sentient beings, we too have the Ability to Become A Magnificent Garden Of LOVE that encompasses this planet we call Earth. Please let US remember to nurture and support eachother. Let us remember our ONENESS. Happy Thanksgiving Every Day!


I Am ONE....

Today Joy moves through me as I learn
compassion and humility.

I am ONE with all sentient beings…the sky, the clouds,
the sun the rain, the trees that sway and dance in the wind,
the birds that greet me in song.

I am One with the Spirit of Mother Theresa, Malcolm, ...
Martin, John, and Edward as well as Ruth, Isaac, Joshua,
Mary, Jesus, Khadeeja, Mohammed, Shams, Rumi,
Buddha, Kuan Yin and Sojourner Truth.

I am ONE with the woman suffering from breast cancer
and the man suffering and dying from lung cancer
and the woman in Afghanistan whose family was killed by a drone.

I am ONE with the homeless woman pushing the cart
with all her worldly possessions and warning us of
our greed though we don’t often listen.

I am One with the Tibetan who was told by Chairman Mao
that religion is poison and the Palestinian wandering,
unable to return to his homeland.

I am One with the starving child of Dafur
and the Israeli settler with a gun in his hand.

I am One with every child born at this moment
and the great-grandparents who are taking
their last breath on this Earth Realm.

I am ONE with the artist struggling to show us the way
and the politician disgraced in shame.

I am ONE with those who have awakened in Love
and those filled with disappointment or fear.

Circumstances make no difference to me
for I embrace the journey and see the Divine
in those who may not see the Divine in themselves.

I am One with the President who needs more courage
to say stop the killing everywhere
and the Dalai Lama whom asks us to live in peace.

In my dreams the Buffalo Woman,
the morning dove and the golden hawk
guide me as my heart becomes filled
with ancient prayers of all traditions.

I am One with the caterpillar and the butterfly.

I am One with the Buddhist, the Christian, the Jew,
the Moslem, the Bahai, the Hindu, the Yoruba, the Janist,
the Naturalist, the One who doesn’t believe in God
and the One Lost in their material identity
and always needing more….

Today Joy moves through me as compassion, humility
and understanding become a way of life...
for in you I see the reflection of me
and know that through Love...


Saturday, November 23, 2013

I Believe In YOU!

I Believe In YOU!

Breathe Deeply Six Times and Listen to the Voice that Says "I Believe In You!".

"I Believe In You" is both a whisper and a roar that awakens and inspires us to live with Integrity. It is the Sun, the Moon and the Stars in Unity and Love together with the dolphins and whales and all the magnificent fish in the Ocean.

"I Believe In You!". It is the Lullaby of Hope ...that Grandparents and Mothers and Fathers and Aunts and Uncles sing to Children.

I Believe In You!". It is GRACE singing the Love Song of the Uni-Verse.

Now Breathe Deeply In and Out Four Times.

Will you sing too? I Believe In YOU!

I Believe In YOU!

Friday, November 22, 2013

A Desire to Prosper


Some of us like to prove that we are smarter, have more or know more. We consider ourselves successful by the cars we drive, the size of our homes or our job titles. All these things become ambiguous when there is no Love.

Most important in our lives is our willingness to create a World where All Our Children are well educated, safe, nurtured, and loved. When we honor and respect our elders and eachother, then our resources become gifts used to strengthen communities with kindness and cooperation.

With Clarity, I Breathe Deeply Four Times. If we are to truly prosper and live without fear, then we must come to understand that greed and selfishness are poisons that destroys hearts.

Again I Breathe Deeply Four Times. I am learning to walk as a vessel of hope; willing to build bridges of cooperation so that the World around me may prosper as we come to Know and Be Love.  

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Honor the Harvest

When I offer my best without expectation, the Uni-Verse teaches me through the songs of appreciation and gratitude that travel through the wind and whistle in the cool breeze of the new fall season.

Musical notes of the song are written in the Autumn sky of green, gold and orange mixed with red and purple, like a rainbow bridge that allows me to dance on pale blue clouds.  

My heart beats to the rhythm of exalted joy whenever I have the courage to listen,  sing, live, share and honor the Harvest of the Eternal Love Song!    

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

"I Feel, See and Appreciate the Compassionate YOU!"


 When life appears to be overwhelming still yourself and Breathe.

With each breath, let go of your frustration and replace it with Patience. Take a moment and feel all around you with a heart of Love. What does it feel like?

Now, Breathe In Hope. Breathe Out Compassion. Feel and see the beauty of your heart as you tenderly offer c...
are for yourself and decide to extend that care and tenderness to all those around you.

Breathe Deeply Ten Times. Breathe In Patience. Breathe Out Compassion. Walk with patient thoughts, words and actions. Offer care and tenderness.

Breathe Deeply. Allow yourself to reflect your beautiful Heart of Love. BREATHE. With each step, re-member the Voice that says "I Feel, See and Appreciate the Compassionate YOU!"

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tender Care


As I begin this day in gratitude, I ask to be given the energy and vision to pay attention with care and compassion. I will meet my obligations, each situation and person joyfully with appreciation and respect. Today, I will offer my best with Tender Care!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

A New Day

On an early morning
not long ago
it seemed the Sky was painted
with whisperings of orange,
and red and yellow,
and green and purple.
Grey white Clouds
with tints of powder blue
formed a pathway
as the Moon began her journey
back into the Universe.
As she traveled
the Compassionate Moon
came upon the Sun
who greeted her with a gentle kiss
filled with understanding and love.
Thus with the joining of
Mother Moon and Father Sun
came the Breath of Divine Grace
and the Morning Star was born.
Far away
on planet Earth=Heart
trees rustled in the wind
with loving appreciation
and respect for the dawn
of a New Day.
And throughout the world
people of all cultures, religions and traditions
rose in celebration
and Gave Thanks
for the Miracle of a New Day.
May A Loving Peace Reside In YOU!

Magical Moments of Play


Work is important but equally important is Play.

Play allows you to use your imagination, to have more courage and to stretch your very being with fearlessness and Love?

I Breathe Deeply Four Times. As I Inhale, I honor and trust the magical moments that come with Play.

As I Exhale, I imagine myself as being focused and the having the Courage to make time for Play.

I Breathe Deeply Four More Times.  I decide that I must make more time for Play.

I will allow myself to embrace the innocence of my heart. I will honor and trust the magical moments and give thanks for the Joy offered by Our Blessed Creator.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

I Am Like the Bamboo...


I sit in gratitude and marvel at the details of Creation.  What makes a Bamboo shoot grow in water and in soil?  How is it that its roots are flexible while the shoot is firm and learns to bend and wind? 
I Breathe Deeply Six Times.  In Flexibility and Care.  Out Patience and Compassion.

I am like the Bamboo.  Our roots of Love can grow in many places.  We embrace life's difficulties and joy with compassion.  We sprout new leaves that blossom in beauty and grow with patience.

I Breathe Deeply Six Times. In Flexibility and Care.  Out Patience and Compassion. 
Today,  I am like the Bamboo.  Flexibility, patience and compassion are the roots of Love that can grow in my heart so they can be shared and blossom in many places.   I Am Like the Bamboo! 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Abundant Gifts


 I still myself, open my heart and Breathe Four Times. As I honor the vision of Our Creator; Grace shares the Eternal Message of Love.

I Pray For Every Being.

"May All Your Brilliance Be Seen and Recognized.

May the Fruits of Your Loving Work Be Bountiful Beyond Imagination!
May Generosity and Love Inspire You to Share Your Abundant Gifts with Humility.

May You Each Move Forward with a Commitment to Empower Families and Communities So that We All Prosper in Love with an Abundant, Tender Peace!"

Four Times I Breathe Deeply
and with an open heart,
I Continue to Pray!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Each Breath Is A Prayer


We know that throughout the United States, Haiti, India, Tibet, Africa, Greece, the Philippines and many other parts of Our World, People Are Suffering.  So why not open our hearts when our neighbors need our help? 

Today with Gratitude, may we open our hearts to neighbors everywhere.  May we offer our resources and good wishes  to the Ones in front of us.  May we look across the World and help where we can even if it is Only Our Prayers. 

In fact Prayers of Compassion, Healing and Love are the most important gift we can offer because it shifts thought patterns, opens the heart to Faith.  Prayer can inspire us to work together as the invisible doors of our hearts open to Grace. 

As we allow each Breath of Unselfish Love to become a Prayer, we become aware that Our Blessed Creator Lives through Us.  Therein lies the Miracle!  

Blessed Be YOU and Your Beautiful Heart!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Though Storms of life seemed wicked and unrelenting and the dreamer lost much; after the Storms had subsided one great thing remained. Some call it Faith. The Dreamer smiled joyfully because he and others were Still Alive. 
If you have awakened today with a rainbow of integrity in your heart, then you too are Still Alive. Be a Dreamer! Feel the Power of Faith. Give Thanks! Use your gifts for Good! Walk with Unrelenting Fortitude and Courage. Begin to Build the World You Want Your Children to Inherit!

Monday, November 11, 2013

I Say Many Prayers


I sit quietly in contemplation. 

I Breathe with Hope.  With each breath I Exhale my desire to live in Peace. 

 Deeply I Breathe  Six Times.  In Hope and Respect for Humanity.  Out Wisdom and a Desire to live in Peace. 

My heart fills with good potential.  Each breath becomes a prayer I offer. 

May we find a way to put down our weapons and listen to each other with compassion. 

May Love cause us to Awaken in Peace.  May we be wise enough to understand and nurture our children with peaceful hearts of Love. 

  I Breathe Deeply and Say Many Prayers.   

Special Celebration with Reverend Melony McGant for the publication of Seeker Dreamer: Amazing, Brilliant, Compassionate YOU! on Saturday, December 7, 2013 at 2pm--- 2nd Floor Gallery, Harlem State Office Building, NYC.

The Museum of African American Cinema (MoAAC) and the Harlem State Office Building, NYS Office of General Services (OGS)

Invite YOU to Please Mark Your Calendar

Please plan to attend a Special Celebration with Reverend Melony McGant for the publication of Seeker Dreamer: Amazing, Brilliant, Compassionate YOU! on Saturday, December 7, 2013 at 2pm--- 2nd Floor Gallery, Harlem State Office Building, NYC.
This booksigning/gallery conversation with "Artists in Transition"* and their poignant exhibit "Expressions of African American Art" is on Saturday, December 7 , 2013 from 2-5pm at the Harlem State Office Building 2nd Floor Gallery (125th St and Adam Clayton Powell Blvd) in NYC.  Please bring identification to  present to security to get into the building!   The Harlem State Office Building is easy to locate.  Take the 2, 3 or A, B, C or D Trains to 125th Street, and walk to Adam Clayton Powell Blvd.

*"Expressions of African American Art" featured artists include Angela Brathwaite, Ba Djibril Ngawa, Rudolph Greenaway, Ruben Holder, Tomas Hull, Gerald Jones, Brenda Mattingly, Clarence C. Moore, Jr., Benny Morales, Carlton Murrell, Emmett Wigglesworth and Haywood Williams.

Special Note: This FREE public Art Exhibition of work by "Artists in Transition" is curated by Gregory Javan Mills and sponsored by the Museum of African American Cinema (MoAAC) with In-Kind support provided by the New York State Assembly members, the Honorable Keith L. T. Wright and the Honorable Bill Perkins; NYS Office of General Services (OGS) and Mr. Willie Walker, Jr., Building Manager ACP, State Office. 

Change Is Constant


Like the weather and the seasons,
the only constant in life is change.

There will sunshine and rain.
Storms will come and after,
rainbows of hope through our Loving,
compassionate deeds will appear.

Through it all, we learn more
about ourselves--and the Infinite
Uni-verse of Our Hearts.

We will re-build and re-create
better and stronger communities
as we mourn our losses.

We learn the
importance of humility,
kindness and Divine Grace.

Today, we are in
a time of Great Change.

We must choose Good!

Every moment as we Breathe,
we must let go of our fear
and bring forth our Courage
as we learn to share and reflect
understanding with Divine Infinite Love!

This is the Word of Love!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Being Thankful

What do we have to be Thankful for?

When we are alive,
we learn to be thankful
for every experience
that offers us a moment
to awaken within our hearts.

I invite you to join me
as I say thank you......

Thank You for each moment
of Loving Grace.

Thank you for each
learning opportunity which
calls for me to expand
and develop in deep understanding.

Thank you for each mistake
which has given me new wisdom.

Thank you for showing me true
compassion in the hearts of others,
as I learn to meet them heart to heart.

Thank you for my tears
which show me the unlimited
depth of my heart, much like
the vastness of your Uni-Verse.

Thank you for the disappointment
and hard lessons that allow me to learn
to release judgment and discover
new gifts because I am able to
let go of my expectations.

Thank you for allowing me
deep listening, as well as
an incomprehensible space
that leaves me with joy to share.

Thank you for the breath of
your Loving Grace, and your
constant Divine Whisperings
that resides within me
and All Others.

Thank you for every argument
and world tantrum that calls
for All of Humanity
to let go of our
selfishness and greed.
Today I let go of my attachment
to what I think I know.

As I awaken within Your Heart,
I embrace the unknown with
hope, infinite faith and
appreciation for each Miracle
of Life!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Urgent Prayer Request

Urgent Prayer Request! Please Continue to Join Me In Prayers of Courage, and Healing for the People of the Philippines, Vietnam and South East Asia where the Typhoon is traveling. Let Us Open Our Hearts With Love and Send Our Hope with Compassion and Collective Awareness. And As We Pray, Let Us Visualize Healing and Hope to All Who Are Suffering and Need Our Support On Earth.  May We ALL Vision Peace and A World Of Cooperative Love! 



When we realize that we have been deceived, and trust has been violated, our hearts may feel wounded. 

How do we move forward in Truth? 

First we must accept the difficult lesson. 

Second, we must remember that with every difficult lesson comes the opportunity for forgiveness so that we are able to heal our hearts and grow wiser with integrity. 

Today I Breathe Deeply Six Times.  With each breath I ask to be given Guidance with Integrity.  

I Breathe and Breathe.  In Guidance with Integrity.  Out Wisdom With Healing, Forgiveness and Love.

Every Truth allows me to grow, heal and move forward with Love.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Is It the Ego???


 Sometimes we must ask Ourselves
"Is it the ego needing a new victory
or the heart asking you to Live in Truth?".

In all ways and all things seek Clarity.

Breathe Deeply Eight Times With Gratitude for Your Life.

Inhale Honesty, Perseverance and Faith.
Exhale Humility with Self-Confidence and Love.

Listen to your heart. Care fully.

Breathe Deeply Four Times.

In all ways and all things seek Clarity.

Inhale Honesty, Perseverance and Faith.
Exhale Humility with Self-Confidence and Love.

Walk and Speak Gently!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Melony Meets and Honors a Legend--Congressman John Lewis

Melony Meets and Honors a Legend--Congressman John Lewis.   For me this is an AMAZING MOMENT that happened in NYC Today! 

Congressman John Lewis holding  my book ...
Seeker Dreamer: Amazing, Brilliant, Compassionate YOU and Rev. Melony McGant holding MARCH~ Book One, a graphic novel which details Congressman John Lewis' life and the Civil Rights Movement.

It happened 7 Nov. 2013 at Midtown Comics Downtown on Fulton Street in NYC.



Today I let go of confusion and embrace uncertainty. 

I Breathe and Re-Member that my every good action brings Hope.

I Breathe and allow Love to move through my entire Be-ing.

Today I embrace uncertainty, knowing truth will be revealed through Love. 

I have unlimited patience, creativity and a commitment to have only right thoughts, words and actions.  

I Breathe, and Say Thank You for My Beautiful Life! 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Spectacular Day


This is a Spectacular Day to re-member that you are a splendid human being shining from the Inside--- Out.

Feel the hope that pours through you as the breath of peace. Help make the World better!

Offer your Light with humility and joy. Say hello to Grace. She will show you your next good step.

Smile and Shine Dreamer. Share the gift of You.

Shine from the Inside ---Out!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Breeze of Truth---Election Day In the United State! Please VOTE!

The Breeze of Truth...

Walking through the day, I feel a breeze of Truth. Each time I stop and settle myself,   I am overcome with appreciation for Good Change. 

I Breathe Deeply Four Times. I Breathe In Humility and Courage.   I Exhale Compassion and Love. 
The past is best expressed as lessons that have taught me to value life, and have unlimited courage to step into Good Change. 

I Breathe Deeply Four Times. I Breathe In Humility and Courage.   I Exhale Compassion and Love. 
With Gratitude I Move Forward into the Breeze of Truth!

Election Day In the United State!  Please VOTE!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Love Has Many Roads...

Beloved Radiant ONES---

We may walk, ride a bike or take the bus. Some drive a car, row a boat or sail on the ocean. Others travel mostly by train and plane. No matter our culture or religion; no matter what country you live in--some things about this world are truly the same.

There will be rains of kindness, storms of difficulty and lessons of Awakening to the Love. Through Love, we learn to let go of anger or fear.
We can embrace our power to heal, forgive, share and walk as Beings infused with the Creator's Grace!

Breathe Deeply Four Times.  Allow each breathe to be filled with Love. 

Today re-member,  Love Has Many Roads and Desires only to be Awakened in Every Heart so that All may live and know the Sunshine of Hope!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Walk In Truth Anyway!

People may ignore you because of where you come from, your social status or your race. Even your birth family may choose to close their hearts to you when you have been baptized in Love.  Walk In Truth Anyway. 

Truth is the only way to live as a Being of Love.  Knowing, speaking and being the Truth is how we live Our Purpose.  Everyone has a purpose and a contribution to make on this planet.  It is something that only You can do, or say or write in the fabric of time. 

Even when it seems like all the familiar doors have closed,  please don't give up. Walk in Truth Anyway!  Your destiny lies beyond the jealous or petty.  Your Destiny Resides In the Heart of Love.

Friday, November 1, 2013



The Wise Man said to the Seeker "We like to believe there are things we control, but the reality is there is nothing we truly control, not even our own feeble actions."
Today I let go of my need for control.

 I Breathe Deeply Four Times.

As I learn to speak Joy and Gratitude into the Day, I will allow for each moment to flow with Divine Intent and Purpose.

I Breathe In the Joy of Aliveness. I Breathe Out Gratitude.

Four Times I Breathe.

Giving up the idea of control, I speak Joy and Gratitude into this Day!

I will do my best to allow each moment to flow with Divine Intent and Purpose.

Two Times I Breathe! 

Special Celebration---Saturday, December 7, 2013

Please Mark Your Calendar and plan to attend a Special Celebration with Melony McGant on Saturday, December 7, 2013
2pm--- 2nd Floor Gallery, Harlem State Office Building

Greetings of Gratitude and JOY,
As many of you know, my new book Seeker Dreamer: Amazing, Brilliant, Compassionate You! is now available!

I would appreciate it if you would mark your calendars and plan attend my booksigning/gallery conversation with "Artists in Transition"* and their poignant exhibit... "Expressions of African American Art"* on Saturday, December 7 , 2013 from 2-5pm at the Harlem State Office Building 2nd Floor Gallery (125th St and Adam Clayton Powell Blvd) in NYC. Please bring identification to present to security to get into the building! The Harlem State Office Building is easy to locate. Take the 2, 3 or A,B, C or D Trains to 125th Street, and walk to Adam Clayton Powell Blvd.

On Saturday, December 7 , 2013 from 2-5pm, there will be beautiful artwork, great conversation, copies of Seeker Dreamer: Amazing, Brilliant, Compassionate YOU!, and light refreshments. Please invite family, friends and acquaintances. I look forward to Seeing You All! Please RSVP by email or call 212-502-0895 asap.

*"Expressions of African American Art" featured artists are primarily educators and include Angela Brathwaite, Ngawa Ba Djibril, Rudolph Greenaway, Ruben Holder, Tomas Hull, Gerald Jones, Brenda Mattingly, Clarence C. Moore, Jr., Benny Morales, Carlton Murrell, Emmett Wigglesworth and Haywood Williams.

Special Note: This FREE public Art Exhibition of work by "Artists in Transition" is curated by Gregory Javan Mills and sponsored by the Museum of African American Cinema (MoAAC) with In-Kind support provided by the New York State Assembly members, the Honorable Keith L. T. Wright and the Honorable Bill Perkins; NYS Office of General Services (OGS)and Mr. Willie Walker, Jr., Building Manager ACP, State Office.

Always, Melony