Sunday, March 30, 2014

No Matter What!!!


In  a World where egotism, fear and materialism has taken center stage, it is true that  small minds may try to destroy those who know Truth before their own inadequacy  or fear of equity and good change is discovered.
These  people often will attempt to sabotage or undermine your positive intentions and  actions.  They may even try  to rain on a joy parade or burst your bubble of  enthusiasm and happiness. 

Even  to them offer compassion and kindness.  Pray that they too will soon Awaken to  Love. 

When you have been hurt,  wounded or discouraged, simply stop and still your mind. 

Breathe Deeply Ten  Times.  With each breath, Inhale Patience filled with the Oxygen of Love.   Exhale Hurt, Pain and Disappointment. Take Your Time. Keep Breathing  Deeply. 

Remember  this-- When You Awaken and Walk In Truth, no matter the obstacles;  new doors  will appear through Grace.  As you are able to keep your heart open and offer  forgiveness;  Love will reward you with the Courage and Faith to live with a  peaceful heart, unlimited creativity, energy and resources to manifest your Good  Dream. 

Breathe Deeply.   No Matter What--- Keep  Moving Forward!  Today, Give Thanks for Wisdom, Grace and the Unlimited Power of  Love.  

Rhythm of Love


No matter what faces us,
or how impossible life seems,
we always have the gift of prayer.

When we pray, we are asking
for Divine guidance and healing.

God gives us answers in a child's smile
and in the kind sharing
of one who has little
but lovingly gives anyway.

Breathe Deeply Four Times.
Breathe In Love. Exhale With Love.

What will you offer and give in Love?

Today as we pray,
let us listen more deeply
to the songs of the Uni-Verse
and re-learn to sing, dance and pray
to the Rhythm of Love.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

When the Glass has Broken


Have you ever broken a favorite glass and felt dismayed at its shattering? For many of us, our lives have been shattered in disappointment by economic disparity, lost hope and grief from violence and war.

Just as we step gingerly and pick up the pieces of glass to be discarded, so we must honor our grief and dis-appointment in ritual. Then let it go with forgiveness so that envy, greed and violence do not become the broken glass of your heart.

Breathe Deeply Four Times. In Love. Out Love.

Begin today by tenderly nurturing yourself and others. Re-capture in Gratitude,--- the hopes and dreams of your resilience, appreciating, peaceful, sharing, Loving Heart.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Spring 2014 Reflection


I take a moment to still myself and bow in Gratitude to the Blessed Creator for my life of Purpose.

I Breathe Deeply 10 Times.  In Courage, Out  Integrity with Purpose.

I pray that we All continue to learn to take greater steps on the path of Love.

Right Now, let us offer prayers for those who are lost, suffering and in need of our Compassion.  May Humanity Awaken with Integrity and allow Love to lead so that our Children thrive and grow and prosper with good dreams everywhere throughout the World.

I pray and sit in silence asking for guidance and direction.  If you were to ask have we failed, I would say that I don't know the answer. 

Often I feel as If I have failed, and that my miniscule actions leave no footprints in the sands of time.  And yet there is a place deep in my heart that tells me that I am wrong.  It is only my disappointment that causes this pain in my heart to move through my body as my nerve endings become filled with acute anxiety. 

What I am feeling is what many of you may be feeling.  The question some of us may be asking  in this time of painful transformation is "Will Hope Be Enough for All to Re-Connect to Our Divine Source of Love?".   The Truth Is that All Actions of Love Make this World Better! 

I close my eyes, trust and allow time to pass.  I continue to breathe and exhale.  In Hope.  Out Love.  I follow the Light through the darkness.  Each step I take into my heart fills me with Grace and gives me Hope. 

I vision Good Change on Earth.  Good Change is not always comfortable or easy.  Sometimes Change brings confusion and chaos.  I Breathe.  The World Is Changing.  I Am Changing.

I hold on to Faith and ask for more Courage.  I keep moving towards the Light.  I Breathe.  In Hope.  Out Love.  I thank Our Blessed Creator.  I honor Our Ancestors, Angels and Saints.

It is Spring.  As I step into Good Change, I imagine that I become the Light.  All around me are other Lights.  We are those Spirits Awakening with Respect and Integrity.  Together We Are Breathing.  In Hope. Out Love.

My dream continues. Collectively we honor our Elders and our Children. We vision a World of Loving Peace where there is equity,  good education and housing; as well as a blossoming sustenance and Good Possibility for All.  We share Lovingly.  We Forgive. We smile and decide to work together to help heal our broken hearts and our Earth/Heart.

Somewhere buttercups, tulips and magnolia trees are beginning to blossom. Robins and hummingbirds sing.  The powerful voice of blue jays is heard even by dolphins and whales.  The oceans roar and the wind calls on us to Love.  And Love vibrates and spins new melodies.

Yes.  It is Spring, and Change Is Here.  Hope, Love and New Possibility fill the air.  It is time to continue our individual and Collective Journeys with  Courage, Integrity, Purpose and Respect for Eachother. 

With Joy, Humility and Gratitude----Let Us All Breathe Deeply.

Bring Hope!

 Beloved Radiant Ones---

In a world that sometimes appears dismal with lack of values and respect, every act of integrity kindness and valour still brings hope and nurtures the gardens of our hearts with Good!

I Breathe Deeply Four times, In Integrity.  Out Kindness.   
With each breath, I allow my heart to open with Respect.

I Breathe again, and again.

With clarity I commit to allow myself to be a vessel of Divine Peace so that my words and actions are able to be like the water of integrity and valour that flows, nurtures, and through Faith; brings Hope to Me, and All whose lives I touch!  

Slowly I Breathe!

"Mitakuye Oyasin", We Are All Related.

Beloveds Radiant Ones---

Today I pray to walk with compassion, humility, loving-kindness, and right words with right actions.

 I remember the Lakota, a Native American Tribe that says
"Mitakuye Oyasin".  We Are All Related.

I Breathe Deeply Four Times In and Out.

I open my Heart and Soul to honor and receive Divine Grace.

I honor the Ancients, the Ancestors and All those who have Ascended Into the Rainbow Heart of Love.
I continue to Breathe and feel the Spirit of Love awakening every cell within my body. 

With humility, I Give Thanks  for the Blessings and Miracles of Hope and Joy that are  manifesting on Earth and throughout the Uni-Verse as many Awaken to the Truth that lives through the Eternal Songs of Love.

Again I Breathe Deeply Four Times.  I allow myself to remember and feel the Love Songs.

To Our Blessed Creator I pray and ask for the Courage and Faith to live within the vision of hope; to radiate Light and joyfully share the Truthful Songs of Love imprinted in my heart; dancing and living in my Soul!

I Breathe Deeply, Give Thanks and Sing.

"Mitakuye Oyasin".  We Are All Related.
 We Will Always Be ONE In the Rainbow Heart of Love!

Culture of War!


 This Culture of War masked in hopes of freedom promotes the Death of Peaceful Dreams and makes victims not victors!

For no matter what side wins--- the broken hearts, the missing arms or legs, the sound of bombs, machine guns and mortar mixed with the screams of children, women, and men replay over and over in our brains years later, as Innocent Children Needing Nurturing offer us Love and Attention which in our woundedness we ignore!

When will Humanity learn that Compromise, Cooperation, Forgiveness, Truth, Reconciliation and Love for ourselves and our neighbors is the only pathway of a Good Future?

I Breathe Deeply. I Exhale and let go of my Fear. I still my heart and allow Hope to Breathe. Together We Pray for the Continuing Awakening of the Human Collective.

May We Continue Open Our Hearts to the Good Possibility of a Shared Future filled with Compromise, Cooperation, Equity, Forgiveness, Truth, Reconciliation, Peace and Love!

We will be more likely to Prosper Collectively when we decide that Compassion has meaning and is useful in Today's World!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Re-Birth and Renewal


With Humility, I take a moment to still myself.

I Breathe Six Times and feel
the Love of the Uni-Verse embrace me
 and offer the Grace of Renewal.

Deeply I Exhale with each breath
and let go of every thought that is not Love.

I Breathe and offer Gratitude.

 I open my heart and feel the lessons
of the dove, the dolphin, the butterfly
and the phoenix.

It is like I am walking on water
 into the clouds of heaven.

I am reminded that Wisdom
offers Patience and Fluidity.

Love's beginnings are beyond time
 and serve as an infinite Ocean of Grace
 that teaches Compassion.

 Love is meant to flow and has ending.

 I Breathe and Exhale Deeply.

Only Through Love am I offered
Re-Birth and Renewal.

I Breathe with Gratitude!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Becoming the Love Song


In the quiet of my mind, the Uni-Verse of my heart is guided by my Soul.

I Breathe  and Exhale 8 Times  and allow my body to  relax into Love.

I Inhale the Great Mystery.  I Exhale Faith and a desire for New Discovery.

I begin let go of Society's limited programming of not good enough or "too good to be true".
Deeply I Breathe.  I Exhale with Clarity and let go of every thought that says I can't.

Again I Breathe and feel the weight of past hurts and disappointment lifted.

I sit and listen to the Wisdom of my Soul.  Its Love Song vibrates in the air as it moves into my body and becomes One in the Uni-Verse of my heart.   All the good that is within me exists and is awakened by Grace when I offer my Gratitude for each experience.

My Heart sings, "Within me is the unlimited creativity filled with divine intention and brilliance to become and create and share through Love."

With deep humility,  I Breathe, Sing and Become the Love Song.

Life Upside Down


While the Familiar has offered boundaries and a safe existence, the voice and feeling of Love will often turn your life upside down. Unselfish Love is expansive and unpredictable.

This Love will show you the nuances of Grace Everlasting and inspire you to want to share more of yourself, in ways you never shared before.

You will discover that You live in the Heart of the Blessed Creator of Love and that Love Lives in You!

 Breathe Deeply Six Times.  In Love.  Out Unselfish Love.   In Love.  Out Unselfish  Love.

Today, Let Love turn You Upside Down so you can look at life from the Inside--- Out!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Sitting In the Silence of Love


Let us be Grateful for the opportunity to Stand With Our Loved Ones tenderly as they journey through all the Passages of Life.

Let us offer Our Hearts in Gratitude as we listen with compassion, and respond with kindness. 

Let us hold their hands or offer our gentle hugs of forgiveness. 

Let us show up when there is sickness or sorrow and allow our Loved Ones to rest in Dignity with our Love. 

Throughout life,  let us  share our gentle smiles, our laughter, and joy. 

And when there are no words---Look deeply into the eyes of Our Loved Ones with gratitude and say Thank You by sitting in the silence with ease and an illuminated Faith. 

Then, let your heart speak by offering only the Hope of Eternal, Everlasting Love. 

Prayer of Love Affirmation


Take a moment to still yourself.  Clear your mind of any chatter.  Breathe  In and Out, slowly and deliberately ten times. With each breath, think only of Love.

Please join me in a Prayer of Love Affirmation. 

I am a lighted being, Created and Inspired by Our Blessed Divine Creator to Reflect Love, Share Love and Be Love.

 All that I dream and hope for comes through the Divine Flow of Love. My thoughts and feelings are Love. The Air I Breathe is Love.


Today, All the Good that I Do Is Nurtured and Inspired By LOVE.  And So It Is With LOVE!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Wise Ones


In my dream those who had Ascended smiled and encouraged me.    "We Are One Only In Love",  said the Wise Ones. 

I awakened in tears.  Understanding flowed into the ocean of my heart.  We have wasted thousands of years condemning, fearing and killing eachother selfishly. 

 We Must Choose!  Divine Spirit offers only the Breath of Love.  I Breathe Deeply Ten Times.  In Love.  Out Forgiveness with Love. 

Today I will share Hope even when I am told there is no room for Hope.  I will honor the Wise Ones with my Faith and Good Actions.  I embrace their lesson of Oneness.  No Matter the Circumstance,  I have put down my sword.

 I walk with a desire to help, and to harm none.  I Choose to Love!  I Awaken and Re-member  We Are One Only In Love!

Again Deeply I Breathe.  In Love.  Out Forgiveness with Love.

A Review from Amazon for the Book---Seeker Dreamer: Amazing, Brilliant, Compassionate YOU!!!

"Brilliantly designed workbook for bringing spiritual grounding into daily life"., March 15, 2014

"Melony McGant is an enthusiastic motivator when it comes to elevating the spirit to it's highest potential. The workbook offers practical applications for daily meditation that ground readers in the present moment while providing tools that will help the spirit soar on a wonderful journey to fulfilling their dreams.

Seeker Dreamer is a most valuable resource as it reminds us to breathe, love without limits, live without fears and limitations, trust, have faith, forgive, be grateful, and simply just BE.

Readers of this this brilliantly crafted workbook are encouraged to put their best selves forward while becoming a source of great inspiration to their peers.

I recommend this book to anyone embarking on a a journey of self discovery as it is mind opening and spirit expanding.

Readers will certainly become empowered by the wisdom contained within." <3----K. Mueller

Friday, March 14, 2014

Lost on a Holy Road


When I was able to let go of Disappointment, I said goodbye to my old friend Fear.

With Clear Intention and Trust I traveled far, and became lost on a Holy Road.

Along the way the open sky embraced me. Bird and trees taught me to honor the mystery of Mother Nature, her Earth-Heart, and the beauty of new discovery in my life.

It was then my heart opened to accept the Grace of the Creator.

Feeling free with joy; and Lost on a Holy Road, I found the Essence of My Be-ing.

I Found Love!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Warm Thoughts


I Breathe Deeply and Thank The Master Creator for a Joyful Awakening.  There is no doubt that it is cold and windy with confusion outside, but in my heart the Sun is shining and beaming rays of Love. 

I Breathe Deeply Six Times.  In Joyful Awakening and Out Love!  I am a being of Love that Loves Myself and cares enough to show Love to All Others. 

Today I have dressed for the weather of confusion.

I Breathe and focus on warm thoughts of Gratitude for the New Day. 

I Breathe and Breathe.  In Joyful Awakening and Out Love!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014



Beloved Radiant Ones---

When you find yourself lost, Stop.
Breathe and take time to re-member
and honor your dreams.

Ask yourself good questions.
What have you Learned?

What have you Accomplished?

What have you Shared?

 What mistakes have you made?
 How Must You Change?
 Listen deeply.

Allow your whole be-ing to absorb
the truthful answers.

 Listen to your heart as it speaks of JOY.

Take all that you have discovered
 in Truth and Offer Gratitude
for the Gift of Wisdom in your Life.

Now, with courage, integrity and tenacity,
begin with JOY to Re-route Your Journey!

 First, Breathe!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Just Listen


I Breathe Slowly in and out Ten Times.  I still myself and listen to  the voice of Uni-Verse--

"I believe in you and value you.  I saw you as Stardust. I know your goodness.  I know your fear of Light and of Love.  I know of your selfish ways for they have long saddened me.  I Forgive You.

Just Listen. I Love You. Hear me through the birds chirping, the wind whistling through trees and the ocean's roar. 

Breathe deeply and smell me in the honey suckle and cherry blossoms.  Taste me in the avocado, the apple, the blueberry, the carrot, the ginger and turnips.  Look at me in the Sky.

Remember it is I who share the magnificent moon,  the glistening stars and the ebullient sun with you.  The Land is not yours to fight over.  It is Mine!  All Is Mine.  I share it with you in Love. 

Just Listen.  Stop Fighting.  I Love You.  Feel me in your hearts through your acts of compassion and cooperation.  Find your way back to Love.  Just Listen.  I Forgive You.  I Love You! "    

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Patience and Energy


It is for me to live with respect and to honor for myself and others by offering My Best. This is why I give my Daily Thanks to the Master Creator for filling me with Patience and Energy to complete the many small tasks that teach me to be more flexible and able to grow.

I Breathe Deeply Four Times. With each breath I Inhale Patience and I Exhale New Flexibility. 

Today I have the Patience and Energy to complete the many small tasks that will help me grow and move forward. 

I Breathe Deeply and Give Thanks!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Needing More!

My Beloveds,

Angels sang to me this morning and awakened me from a lovely slumber.

Today I pray for each beautiful sentient being throughout the Universe. I visualize us enveloped in a world of peace, with equanimity, and joy.

Still, my heart cries at our need for violence,
at our rationale for killing, at our thoughts of the inevitability of war, and economic collapse.

Painfully I address the lack of equity, opportunity,
literacy and safety for those in the United States,
and extend my thoughts globally.

There is no reason or need for poverty of mind,

body or spirit other than the desire for a few to have MORE.

More money, more land, more stocks. MORE.

Though I am grateful for each of my blessings,
today I too am asking for MORE.

My more is in direct relation to a desire for equity for all people,the sustainability of our Earth, and the healing of all disease.

My more is hope, joy, compassion, and understanding.

My more is a world filled with conscience intention and Love.

My more is a request to ask that we honor our seniors, share them with our precious children and provide them with the best of ourselves.

MORE. My more is a dream of humility, respect and diplomacy
as we learn to interact with eachother heart to heart.

MORE. My more is for us to vision and create a World of Cooperation where we allow others the dignity of returning to their homelands instead of creating political obstacles to peace.

Yes today my heart sings a melody of more.

More understanding, more compassion, more willingness to share the fruits of our labor.

I believe our potential of greatness.
I believe in a society that says right NOW
let’s redefine our commitment to eachother.

Please, let us remember the voice of the Great Spirit. Let us ask more of ourselves as we meet eachother in Grace, and walk side by side, heart to heart.

Let us have more listening, more kindness, more truth, more hope and more faith as we embrace the Divine in each of us.

This Is My Request of MORE!

Savor the Promise!


Day and Night promised to cherish eachother and honor the greatness of the Uni-Verse. They see eachother only at Dusk and at Dawn but the memory of their union grows and rests in the heart of the Sun and the Stars. All savor the promise and hope of each moment in time.

When we Lovingly keep our word, we too honor Love's Song. We savor the promise by offering our hearts and taking each breath in Love!

Breathe Deeply Four Times.  In Love. Out Love.

What promises have you have made in Love?   How do you cherish your promises and allow them to be fulfilled within the Heart and Hope of the Uni-Verse?

Again, Breathe Deeply Four Times.  In Love. Out Love.  Today Re-Member to Savor and Live Every Promise You Have Made in Love!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Gift of Possibility


First I Breathe Deeply and say Thank You. 

I am grateful to open my eyes, to stand, to walk, to bow and greet the four directions of Our Blessed Earth/Heart in the New Day of Possibility. 

I Breathe In Deeply, feeling the Oxygen of Love move through every part of my being. 

Knowing I am rooted in Love, I exhale Self Doubt and open my heart with Flexibility.  

I Breathe Deeply Eight Times. In Oxygen of Love. Out Self Doubt.  

With each new breath, my heart opens with Flexibility.  

I Breathe Deeply again and again. In Oxygen of Love. Out Self Doubt.  

Knowing I am rooted in Love, I step into each moment and gratefully re-member to honor the Gift of Possibility!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

You are a Hierophant, a Bringer of Light!

You are a Hierophant, a Bringer of Light!


Breathe Deeply Five Times.  
Inhale Humility and Joy. 
Exhale the Grace of Love.  

You are a Hierophant, a Bringer of Light!

As Hierophants we are all teachers, and students.
Living, learning, sharing, and loving.
This is our path, a return to LOVE.

Again, Breathe Deeply Five Times.
Inhale Humility and Joy. 
Exhale the Grace of Love. 


People would have us believe that
we should not focus on the heart.
The truth is we can NOT develop
and travel into the new realms
purely in our minds.

The heart always has the right answers.  
And Truth is all there is.
For In Truth we experience Divine LOVE.

Right now let us feel Joy's embrace
as particles of LOVE run through
the very cells of our body!

You Are a Hierophant, a Bringer of Light! 

Inhale Humility and Joy. 
Exhale the Grace of Love.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Letting Go of the Lie


Greed, Envy and Selfishness has caused so many of us to hide the Truth and lie to protect our material selves. But lies have no strength or foundation in Love. Every lie becomes first a distraction and then, a weapon of despair used to subjugate and promote acts of violence and wars. 

Though the Truth may be painful, through Courage, it provides us an opportunity to ask for and offer Forgiveness so that we can be like lights in a tunnel of darkness where so many of us have lost their way. 

I Breathe Deeply Ten Times. With each Breath, I Inhale Love. As I Exhale, I let go of every lie I have been told to make me believe that one group of people is superior over another. 

I sit quietly in the newness of Truth. I understand that by believing in fairness and equity and offering compassion and love; ancient wounds can be healed.

And so, it is for Our Blessed Creator, the Children of the many generations to come, and for every Ancestor who desired Peace that I am given the fortitude and strength to offer my hand in Friendship. 

I will say even to the one that I thought I despised,

"Let us care enough to be Truthful and learn to walk together as equals, sharing our cultural and material gifts; and step into our destiny of hope with Loving Hearts!" 

Monday, March 3, 2014

It is A Beautiful Day for Good Change

Today I Breathe Deeply Four Times and Bow with the Winds of Change. With Each breath I exhale Fear and inhale Courage. 

Change has come unexpected like a new lover. At first I ignored it but it wouldn't go away. Every time Change would smile and take my hand; my stomach would feel butterflies. 

Change asked me to have Courage when I didn't know the answer. 

Change taught me to believe in myself and to pay attention to all the ways that I could do better and be better. 

Courage helps me get up when I fall and teaches me better balance so I can prepare to take the next new step. 

I am so grateful! I Breathe Deeply Four Times and Bow with the Winds of Change. With Each breath I exhale Fear and inhale Courage.

I believe that it is a Beautiful Day for Good Change!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

A Dream That Heals

My Beloveds,

Please join me in a collective prayer for peace.
Let us open our hearts with love, and flexibility.
Let us walk with patience, and understanding.

Allow us each to create peace within our hearts,
and to exude that peace externally.

Let us walk as a calming hot stream
and exude love’s warming vapors.

Loving spirits of the Uni-Verse,
help us learn to be of service to eachother.

Let our eyes, and hearts open with joy
to receive the miracles that manifest each day.

As the birds call us to dance, and laugh, and sing;
allow a new peace to move through each of us
so that we begin to heal our Earth=Heart.

Let us each acknowledge our gratitude
to our Blessed Divine Mother and Father.

Right now at this moment,
let us feel new gratitude
as our entire sentient family reflects Joy.

Let us each re-member that a part of you,
and part of me are forever interconnected
to a Universal Spirit.

Right now, let us see
and connect to the Divine in ALL.

Let our hearts tenderly wander
around the Uni-Verse exuding Love,
and healing those with broken spirits.

Together, let us manifest the beginning
of something new, gentle, humane and beautiful.

As we re-member that we are interconnected
heart to heart, we reflect only Love.
We release all fear.
We exude joy as a collective.

We become a rainbow of peace, service,
equanimity and Love.

This Is Our Dream. This Is Our Prayer.
And So It With Love.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

When People Are Unkind--- A Heart Song to Share!!!

When People Are Unkind--- A Heart Song to Share!!!
(c) Melony McGant

If you listen carefully and sing this song,
you will feel that only Love belongs....

When people, people are unkind,
never you mind, never you mind.

They may say hurtful things,
cause fear rules their hearts.

Life for them may seem like it's
been falling apart.

Love them anyway. Love them anyway.
You can show them the way.

Be your best in every way, everyday!

Just believe...believe in yourself, because
with your good deeds and thoughts, there's
no anger to be bought, no fear to be taught.

You are given joy and peace of mind, when no
matter what,--- you remember to be kind!

When people, people are unkind,
never you mind.

You have the strength and courage to live
this day in Grace.

Every word you say, every step you take,
can one day benefit the Hue-Man Race.

When people, people are unkind,
never you mind.

Love them anyway, Love them anyway.
Show them the way.

Be your best every day, in every way!
You can help save the Hue-Man Race each
time you take a step in Grace.

When people are unkind,
never you mind!

Cause you listened carefully, and you know
this song.

Now you know that only Love belongs!

You can help save the Hue-Man Race
each time you take a step in Grace.

(c) Melony McGant

Woven Into the Heart Tapestry


Woven deeply into the heart tapestries of our lives are the stories and secrets of our souls. We may share a story but rarely do we reveal ourselves or our wounds in totality. 

We have forgotten the great mystery of Love woven within our very beings.

Divine Spirit, in calling us to Awaken, asks us to Re-member In Love all the places and wounds that need to be healed.

Breathe Deeply Six Times. As you Inhale, ask for and offer forgiveness in your heart. Exhale memories of old wounds. 

Breathe Deeply and allow your Soul to easily Awaken.

The Great Mystery of Love is like a woven heart tapestry that somehow connects us to All that Is Generous, Merciful, Loving and Divine.    

Breathe and Re-Member!