Sunday, November 2, 2014

WELCOME HOME--A Message from The Blessed Creator


"Welcome to the Home of My Heart. Come as you are, for I already know of secret disappointments. I have been disappointed too, but many meals of humility have given me new hope for the good of your heart. 

Truth lives here. All Fear will be transformed into Courage.
Stay as long as you like. There are many rooms of different cultures and pathways of faith to explore. All are filled with everlasting Love.
Compassion and Patience will prepare a daily feast of Forgiveness so that you let go of your pain, and heal.
Mercy will visit in your dreams, and you will learn to look forward and walk humbly into All the Pathways of Good.

Every Day Joy will Awaken you, so that your heart is filled with the Truth of My Heart.

Welcome Home. I Am LOVE! You Are Forever Welcomed in My Heart!", said The Blessed Creator!

Love Has Many Roads


We may walk, ride a bike or take the bus. Some drive a car, row a boat or sail on the ocean. Others travel mostly by train and plane.

No matter our culture or religion; no matter what country you live in--some things about this world are truly the same.

There will be rains of kindness, storms of difficulty and lessons of Awakening to the Love. Through Love, we learn to let go of anger or fear.

We can embrace our power to heal, forgive, share and walk as Beings infused with the Creator's Grace!

Breathe Deeply Four Times. Allow each breathe to be filled with Love.

Today re-member, Love Has Many Roads and Desires only to be Awakened in Every Heart so that All may live and know the Sunshine of Hope!