Sunday, November 10, 2013

Being Thankful

What do we have to be Thankful for?

When we are alive,
we learn to be thankful
for every experience
that offers us a moment
to awaken within our hearts.

I invite you to join me
as I say thank you......

Thank You for each moment
of Loving Grace.

Thank you for each
learning opportunity which
calls for me to expand
and develop in deep understanding.

Thank you for each mistake
which has given me new wisdom.

Thank you for showing me true
compassion in the hearts of others,
as I learn to meet them heart to heart.

Thank you for my tears
which show me the unlimited
depth of my heart, much like
the vastness of your Uni-Verse.

Thank you for the disappointment
and hard lessons that allow me to learn
to release judgment and discover
new gifts because I am able to
let go of my expectations.

Thank you for allowing me
deep listening, as well as
an incomprehensible space
that leaves me with joy to share.

Thank you for the breath of
your Loving Grace, and your
constant Divine Whisperings
that resides within me
and All Others.

Thank you for every argument
and world tantrum that calls
for All of Humanity
to let go of our
selfishness and greed.
Today I let go of my attachment
to what I think I know.

As I awaken within Your Heart,
I embrace the unknown with
hope, infinite faith and
appreciation for each Miracle
of Life!

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