Sunday, October 13, 2013

About Melony and A Message to Every Seeker Dreamer

From the Book ...

Seeker Dreamer:
Amazing, Brilliant, Compassionate YOU! A Journal Workbook for Self Discovery and Empowerment
Dear Seeker Dreamer...
On planes, trains, buses & automobiles; through concrete deserts, sandy beaches, red dirt plains and mountain hills, I have searched for the me I lost somewhere striving for the American Dream; Or, what I thought was the American Dream.
In my attempts to discover my passion, I found that I liked everything and loved nothing. As a young woman in rebellion, I grew to be manipulative, loving no one … not even myself.

Searching for money, power and success, I wanted to be a successful marketing professional. My primary goals were to have my voice heard while making a change in our society with some measure of significance. So, in pursuit of these goals – accompanied with zeal and passion, I also met
resistance. Resistance soon became an useful ally – to fight the good fight. And I did.

By normal standards, while living in Pittsburgh, PA, you could say, I was successful. I owned my own business, worked hard to meet payroll weekly, helped clients achieve their marketing objectives, led workshops, planned media tours, press conferences, wrote speeches & coordinated special events. I lobbied for all the "right causes", and even some of the "wrong causes".
I was known as a “brilliant rebel” driving my staff bananas by insisting that work was life’s number one priority. They called the office Miss Mellie’s Plantation and created a cartoon series. I laughed. Oh, how I laughed!

Pro-bono was my middle name but even with all my good community deeds, I was still a taskmaster. Inside I was dying. I was tired of fighting and wanting to belong. During this time my mom Betty J. Tilman lost her job after more than 27 years, and then endured two bouts of cancer. I became a doting daughter even though health issues were looming largely for me as well, and my quality of life began slipping away.

Perhaps, I enjoyed being a martyr, though, at times, the burden was too heavy. Thinking a change would help, I prayed for financial security and less responsibility.

The Universe said, “Okay”.  Within weeks of my request, I closed my business and took a job at a major advertising agency.

The money was good; however, the transition was extremely difficult. Still, all was in Divine Order. A few months later I had surgery and plenty of time to reflect ... plenty of time to evaluate how, when & why I had closed my heart.

I began a New Journey!  Ultimately, the path I have now chosen allows me a new way of thinking about my life, my purpose and about Love.

Today I marvel at the toddler that gives me a smile, or a hug and says “Hi, Miss Mellie Rainbow!”.
Somewhere along the way I acknowledged the Seeker Dreamer: the sharing of the journey and life-story; the power of taking time to still myself, reflecting and breathing. Rediscovering the newness and transition of Love, friendships, and the True Potential of Our Human Collective.

So, I greet you as well – Seeker Dreamer. As you begin or continue on your Journey of Hope and Purpose, I leave you with this parable…
Seeker Dreamer---On Ego and Misery

When Ego did not trust the Creator's Love, he found himself lost in perpetual storms of wrong words, actions and  disappointment.  It seemed like for eons,  Ego forbade the Heart from experiencing joy and joined with Misery to create dis-order and hate throughout the World.

Some humans enslaved others who looked differently.  They stole the precious resources and treasured legacies and fought religious wars to maintain control.  For a time it appeared that this was to become the sad destiny of Earth.

 And the Great Mother Cried.  Her tears moved hearts of a few who then felt the undercurrent of the Creator's Love.  And the few Awakened from the horrible nightmare created by Ego and Misery.

They began to Breathe Deeply and see Beauty in the Stars, in the Moon and Sun. They began to marvel at the birds song, the lives of animals and fish, and the rhythm of the winds and oceans.  They learned the history of Earth-Heart  through the rocks and stones.  They discovered the oxygen of Love and studied the wisdom of trees.  Plant life offered food and healing.

With Each Breathe they took in Love,  they grew braver, and many more re-membered the Great Mother and Awakened in Love.  YOU are one of the many born to honor the Creator and Rise in understanding and compassion through the Great Mother.

Breathe Deeply 10 Times.  Breathe In Truth.  Know there is only Love.  Exhale the Nightmare Created by Ego and Misery.  Now that you have Awakened, allow Divine Grace to lead your Heart.  Listen to song of your Soul.  It is the Creator's Song of Love.

Again, Ten Times Breathe In Love.  Exhale Love.  There is no turning back.  The only way to heal and live and prosper on Earth-Heart is to  Stay Awake Seeker Dreamer, and Trust Only Love!  
You are already on the path to discovering, celebrating, and enriching the Amazing, Brilliant, Compassionate YOU!





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